Selecting the Right Broadhead for Your Hunt
By: Dead Ringer
Both fixed and mechanical broadheads offer some unique benefits that can make them deadly in the field. Fixed broadheads are reliable, heavy-hitting, and durable, while mechanicals offer devastating cutting diameters, forgiveness, and accuracy. On the fence? Here’s what to consider when selecting your next broadhead.
Your Setup
If you have a relatively short draw length or low draw weight, the deep penetration that fixed broadheads provide could make a model such as the Triple Acuti a great choice to tip your arrows. However, if you are an experienced archer pulling higher weight, you can achieve pass-throughs with mechanical broadheads like the Super Freak Extreme. Consider your individual setup first to help guide your decision.
Your Pursuit
The game you’re chasing can also help point you in the right direction. Do you primarily hunt whitetails? The moderate cutting diameter of a fixed head will certainly get the job done. Are you hoping to tag a bull or bear this year? The wound channel you’ll get with a mechanical might give you the advantage. You can ethically put down an animal with either type of broadhead, but taking the species into account will provide some added insight.
Your Preference
While each broadhead might have its optimal use case, your choice between mechanical or fixed and specific model ultimately comes down to personal preference. If you’re a beginner who wants a low-maintenance broadhead that can take a beating, you’ll probably lean toward a fixed option. If you prioritize field point accuracy and heavy blood trails, stick with a mechanical. No matter your choice, Dead Ringer offers hunters a variety of options for quality performance.